Excellence Within Reach

Everyone can learn when teaching is intentional and CULTURALLY INFORMED.

Excellence Within Reach educational consulting is committed to high quality, inclusive and innovative learning solutions for educators and academic institutions across the globe. Our custom training programs and educational materials are designed with 21st century learning standards and global citizenship in mind. We aim to be the premiere standard of accessible education design by preparing educators to meet students at their individual aptitude.

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winners of 2023 Growing Greenmount Root to Success Contest!

Click here to view their website

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A group of workers collaborating on a course development. One Worker is looking at papers with various strategies on them while two people are standing over him explaining the strategies.

Our Services

Our Services

A group of workers collaborating in a brightly lit office space, focused on course development.

Excellence Within Reach specializes in a wide range of services such as:


High-quality in-person academic coaching for students, parents, and educators setting the standards for accessible academic and career skills training from expert educators on site at 3030 Greenmount Avenue Baltimore, MD 21218. Personalize tutoring, adult, and early childhood education programming available.

Visit our services page to get more information on our in-person offerings.


Organizations can have high-quality, challenging curriculums for their education programs from students, employees and leaders.


Curriculum clients can receive specifically curated professional development training programs along with train-the-trainer sessions along with their customized curriculum.


Ensure ADA accessibility and WCAG compliance along with DEI-informed accessibility for your educational materials and curriculums through an accessibility quality review to receive a custom improvement plan and accessibility credential for your organization.


Need to revamp your existing curriculum? Get a professional eye and improvement plan to get your course quality back on track with your organizational mission with an instructional design review of your existing courses and their materials.

We pride ourselves in the work we do for our clients. .

Our Process

The client will receive recommendations for products and solutions that would support the goals and mission of their work. A personalized registration period will inform the design of a complex and high-quality development plan that meets the time constraints and expectations of the client. Within the agreed upon timeline, the client will receive necessary updates and provide regular feedback. The final products will serve to enhance student learning and stakeholder experiences.

Two hands clasped together in a firm handshake, symbolizing partnership.

Ready To Work With Us?

Two hands clasped together in a firm handshake, symbolizing partnership.

We are ecstatic that you have chosen us for your next project! Let’s get started!

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